# Our Mission
In the realm of product development, which shapes and revolutionizes industries, a clear line divides the leaders from the followers. Companies like Apple, Amazon, and Netflix distinguish themselves through a unique blend of attributes.
At the heart of their success is a deeply ingrained culture of product excellence and relentless innovation.
The most brilliant minds of our era have devoted their lives to pushing the boundaries of innovation. Their tireless efforts have been built upon and improved over generations; it would be a disservice not to capitalize on their work.
It seems that one ingredient of this recipe is, what some have called the Dual Track Agile.
Dual Track Agile is a dynamic approach to software development, designed to streamline the entire process. It operates on two simultaneous fronts:
- **The Discovery Track**, focusing on ideation and design.
- **The Delivery Track**, emphasizing the development and execution. This methodology enables teams to navigate the complexities of project management while effectively mitigating risks and uncertainties.
This subject has been explored and polished by distinguished figures in our industry, including Marty Cagan, Jeff Patton, Jeff Gothelf, Josh Seiden, and numerous others who have laid the groundwork.
At Ludotech, our objectives is to support founders to perform above average expectations in their Delivery Track, by:
- Developing premier enterprise software solutions. [(more)](https://www.ludotech.co/case-studies)
- Providing development services that combine excellence with competitive pricing. [(more)](https://www.ludotech.co/)
Ludotech blends the finest talents from Europe and harnesses the resources it offers to establish itself as the innovation powerhouse of the old continent.
The purpose of this knowledge center is to document the Delivery Excellence Toolkit, to support and help startup build their product. It shows the rigorous methods our engineering team apply as well, to help our clients deliver outstanding products.
The journey starts here...
[[Dual Track Agile|What is Dual Track Agile?]]
[[Publish/Software Excellence Cookbook/Essentials/Index|Software Excellence Framework]]